Wd apps setup wizard exe file
Wd apps setup wizard exe file

wd apps setup wizard exe file

Rem Ensure parentheses in argument do not interfere with FOR IN loop below. Set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments 1>&2Įcho Cannot set specified working diretory "%~2". If "x%~1" = "x-here" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments& goto :checkparamsĮcho Working directory is not specified for -where parameter. If "x%~1" = "x-use-full-path" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-full-path" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-defterm" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=defterm& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-conemu" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=conemu& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-mintty" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSCON=mintty.exe& goto :checkparams

wd apps setup wizard exe file

If "x%~1" = "x-mingw" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& (if exist "%WD%.\.\mingw64" (set MSYSTEM=MINGW64) else (set MSYSTEM=MINGW32))& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-clang64" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=CLANG64& goto :checkparams

wd apps setup wizard exe file

If "x%~1" = "x-ucrt64" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=UCRT64& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-mingw64" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MINGW64& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-mingw32" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MINGW32& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-msys2" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MSYS& goto :checkparams If "x%~1" = "x-msys" shift& set /a msys2_shiftCounter+=1& set MSYSTEM=MSYS& goto :checkparams Rem To export full current PATH from environment into MSYS2 use '-use-full-path' parameter Rem set MSYS=error_start:%WD%././mingw64/bin/qtcreator.exe^|-debug^|^ Rem To activate windows native symlinks uncomment next line If NOT EXIST "%WD%msys-2.0.dll" set "WD=%~dp0usr\bin\" cmd script, as it is msys2, so here it is: off I'm not sure what to do next, I'd appreciate anyone's help.ĮDIT: This is a long. It opens mingw32, but then instantly (or sometimes almost instantly) closes.

wd apps setup wizard exe file

But, when I run it via Process.Start(), it simply opens then almost instantly closes.Į.x. When I double-click the batch file in File Explorer, it runs and compiles the C++ source code just fine. NOTE: The batch file is located in the same location as the Makefile. There is a Makefile located in the /d/HelloWorld/Assets directory, as well as a C++ source file (*.cpp) and I would like to execute/compile it from my C# app. I'm trying to execute a batch file that contains the following commands: C:\\devkitPro\\msys2\\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32 -c "cd /d/HelloWorld/Assets & make" I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and C# Windows Forms.

Wd apps setup wizard exe file